Mega Events
As the name defines these are the most sought after events by the crowd. These events prove out to be a great success and we constantly strive to improve them with each and every passing year to make Titiksha better.
6 eventsAs the name defines these are the most sought after events by the crowd. These events prove out to be a great success and we constantly strive to improve them with each and every passing year to make Titiksha better.
6 eventsThese events which include exploring new stuff and playing with circuits and machines greatly entertain the audience and also end up displaying the impressive creativity knowledge of the students participating in Titiksha.
17 eventsThese events add an entertaining and fun side to the Titiksha fest. They add in a tinge of enjoyment in the competition and greatly helps in refreshing the students and in making the fest a memorable one for everyone participating.
3 events